Wednesday, January 18, 2006


The GRE is the Graduate Record Examination, the test required for entry into most graduate programs. I'm applying for entry into a Master of Public Health in Epidemiology program. If I make it in, I'll be starting next Fall. The program should take two years, so I'd graduate a few months before Tristan is set to enter kindergarten. I emailed the admissions director, who told me that to be competitive, I generally need to get a combined score of 1000. Which means, if I do well on the verbal sections (which I likely will), I might still get if I don't do so well in the math (which I'm worried about). So that's good news.


Blogger mamaspeak said...

Yup, on campus. This program doesn't have any distance classes. But, luckily, many of the classes are evening classes, so we'll be able to do the routine that got me through undergrad, with Jon taking care of the kids while I'm in class. I may have to take the odd class during the day---probably no more than one per week---and I'm planning on trying to find a 'Mother's Day Out' program to help with that.

1/18/2006 2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Intensity_Too can find another mama who's in school as well to trade the kids off during school days. Besides, they're almost old enough to take care of each other. ;-)

1/18/2006 6:09 PM  

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