Wednesday, June 29, 2005

got depression?

So, following both my last birth and this one, I joined the approx 80% of moms who have postpartum depression. It has been quite a bit worse this time, and when it got worse, it got worse very fast, to the point of near crisis (you know, when all the self-eval quizzes tell you to admit yourself to a hospital immediately). I've been feeling better---much better---for about three days and I think it's time to give credit where I think credit is due.


Inositol is a nutrient naturally occuring in foods such as brown rice and wheat germ. It's essential in the production of some brain chemicals and is required for the formation of cell membranes, and some studies have shown that depressed people have lower levels of it in their cerebrospinal fluid than healthy people have. It has been studied in double-blind trials and scientists have found that, "Myo-inositol has exhibited positive effects in a number of studies related to depression, panic attacks and obsessive-compulsive disorder"; in fact, one study showed that it was at least as effective as SSRIs, prescribed anti-depressants. Another big plus is that, unlike SSRIs, it starts working immeditely, though, from what other mothers say, it takes about a week to get the full effects and have a pretty constant mood level through the day. Next to no side effects, even for very large doses.

I am taking 3,000mg a day and have noticed a big difference; the studies were based upon the intake of 18,000mg a day. I have also increased my B vitamin supplements, since there is some indication that Bs help the inositol work more effectively. I am still a little down, but much more functional than I was a few days ago.

I am really amazed by this; if you have problems with depression, I would definately encourage you to do some research on inositol for yourself :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting info Melanie. I wish I would have known this 3 years ago. I'm pretty much stuck on my anti-depressent now. Damn!

6/29/2005 8:37 AM  

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