Thursday, June 09, 2005


I got a Didymos!

Eleanor loves babywearing and will often wake up and fuss as soon as she is put down (though she still sleeps awesomely at night, so I'm not really complaining). Anywho, with my bad back, I'm already feeling her wee ten pounds with ring slings and pouches, and the ABC I sewed doesn't seem too comfy either. I found a nearly new Didy over at the Babywearer...after selling a couple of things and trading a carrier that doesn't work for us, it is mine. It just came yesterday. Wrap-arounds have quite a learning curve and I need to experiment a lot more before I'm really confidant with it, but my initial impression is that it is so much more comfortable than my other carriers for long-term babywearing. It is an Indio Grun (which appears more teal than green) and was originally a size 6, but (in what seems to be normal Didymos fashion), shrunk down after one wash to approx a size 5. It's perfect! I can do the wrap cross carry with no problems.


Blogger Sarah said...

I've always been too intimidated to try a wrap style carrier. After you've used it a lot, post and let us know how you like it. Maybe I'll have the guts to try one with the next baby.

6/09/2005 10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you say "jealous"?? It looks fabulous and Ellie seems to be enjoying it quite a bit :)

6/09/2005 3:29 PM  

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