Thursday, June 02, 2005

(possible) friends!

I met some local moms today!!!

I went to the monthly LLL meeting, which was SO much better run than the one I attended in Kansas City. The leaders are awesome and very well informed and the moms are super friendly and mostly crunchy. Ellie napped pretty much the entire time and Tristan ran around wildly...he did have a few 'moments', but most of the moms have first hand experience with having two, so we didn't get any looks. The group seems to have a working relationship (lol) with Wild Oats, who donated tons of super yummy snacks for the meeting. They're sponsoring a LLL fundraiser in a couple of weeks at their store, too.

They have a splinter group that gets together for playgroups, etc, outside of LLL. All the moms in it are quite AP. I went to lunch with them after the meeting. Tristan had a great time. There are more kids right around his age and play level, so he'll have some folks to run around with. He had such a fit when we left.

It'll take a while to learn names and have enough attention to spare to really get to know the moms, but I think there's a likely friend or two in there :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY for meeting some mama friends. I'm so glad you got out and met some possible friends. It'll be nice for Tristan (and you)to have some other kids his age to play with.

Joe asked about Tristan yesterday. He said he misses him and his old home.

6/02/2005 2:22 PM  

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