Wednesday, September 21, 2005

clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere...

I've been a pretty lazy housekeeper for, well, all of my life. But you know the bit about how one can never cross the same river twice? Yeah, I'm now a supremely effective but not too anal housekeeper. Yup. A new leaf and all that jazz.

So, mostly just cleaning this week. I'm excited by the idea that Tristan won't remember growing up in a messy house. He's totally in his own room now. We cleaned it up nicely and organized it. He really likes it and feels like a big kid. It's great not to have to worry about either of the kids waking the other up at night or in the morning. Ellie is able to sleep in later than him, which has been great.

Oh, I did have a doctor's appointment yesterday. I broke my middle toe last Saturday, so that was the impetus to go in, though I also brought up my still-periodically-painful knee, and my massive hair loss and odd sweating. I did get him to do some blood tests to check thyroid, etc, which is what I wanted. But all in all, it was a pretty useless appointment. The doctor (a third year resident) couldn't tell what was wrong with my knee and vaguely said that I could come in for x-rays if it's still hurting in a couple of months. My dad warned me that they wouldn't/couldn't do anything about the toe, but I'd called the nurse line and was advised to go in since it's noticeably crooked and will end up healing that way. Well, Dad was right, they didn't do a dern thing. They offered to buddy tape it, but I'd already been there two hours (with Ellie and Tristan at home with my mom, albeit with a bit of pumped milk), so I said I'd do it myself. Yeah, it's going to be a good while before I go to the doctor again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to the doctor for a broken toe - once.

9/22/2005 3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the doctor's office fiasco.

Indy learned the "clean up" song a couple years ago in daycare and we misunderstood her when we first heard her sing it. Our twist on it is: "Clean up, clean up, everybody cheers up!"

Also, thank you for posting the baby legs link a while back! I got a pair and I think I'm going to love them.

9/22/2005 7:44 PM  

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