Tuesday, December 27, 2005

tis two days after christmas

We had a nice Christmas, especially the kiddos. I fixed breakfast for the five of us and had my mom over as well; tried out a couple of new recipes and everything turned out well. That afternoon, we went over for a great dinner at my dad's; my stepmom really went all out. I got some really nice presents---I think a dustbuster is one major thing that's been missing from my life the past five years---an so did the kids. Tristan got a few Thomas trains and a drawbridge, which he's been really loving. He hasn't even woken us up the past two days, he's gone straight to his train table! He also got a neato tunnel, 'band in a box', and some other really nice stuff. Ooh, and Ellie got her first doll, an adorable Corolle with a soft body, but hair and hard face (which she really likes). Edy left on Sunday evening; we really enjoyed having her here and Tristan is already after us to visit KC.

I was in to the dentist this morning, which wasn't all that great. I have a lot of damage along my gumlines (according to my dentist, because of not brushing those areas as well when I had braces as a young teen) and the enamel had broken in two areas. He drilled those out and filled them. I'm having the cavity done on Thursday.

We were just watching a re-run of the Daily Show, with a performance by the White Stripes. Jon and I just kind of looked at the TV with confused looks, then Jon turned to me and said, "I think we're getting old." Indeed.


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