Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I taught Ellie the whole, "how big is Ellie? So big!" thing with her holding her hands up over her head. She loves it and just laughs so hard. Tristan was playing one of his typical "games" with her yesterday---give baby a toy, turn around, grab toy (crying ensues), turn around, give her the toy back, etc. When he took the toy away from her, she would do the "so big!" sign before starting to fuss...! My baby girl is signing!!! I am not sure whether it was a, "hey, I'm big too, give that back!" argument or whether she adapted it to mean, "I want that!", but she was definately using it as a sign. She's been nodding and shaking her head lately too, but I hadn't caught on that she was really trying to communicate. D'oh! So, we're going to start working on that more.

I spruced up the ratties' cage yesterday, outfitting it with shelves and such to make the space more usable. I'm trying to find some femme names for the duo; after all the gender confusion, I don't want to call them Bill and Ben, lol. Anyone have any ideas for rat names, preferably fairly pretentious? I am considering the name Lysistrata, but I can't think of one for the other rattie...


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