Thursday, June 08, 2006

i'm in!!!

I'm in, I'm in, I'm in!


I'm not going to be "just" a mom forever. Graduate school! Bettering myself intellectually! Maybe even getting a job!

This is the first commitment to a specific career field that I have made as an adult. Finally, some decisiveness!

Crazy excited.


Blogger Sarah said...

Congratulations! That's wonderful!

6/08/2006 9:19 PM  
Blogger jadebabylon said...

Hella congrats! :)

How did you finally make your decision? I keep wavering back and forth, wanting to go into research, then human rights, then work overseas for the gov't, then I just want to be in a band to get away from it all.

6/11/2006 10:24 PM  
Blogger mamaspeak said...

Thanks, y'all :)

TM, I've been really indecisive for a long time too, but I'm not at all comfortable with my indecisiveness. I just decided to take the jump. I applied for grad school with the decision that, should I get in, I'd persue a career in epidemiology (yay!), but if I hadn't, I would have taken up a local private school on their offer to teach upper primary level English, while earning my Master of Library Science through distance learning. Two totally different paths, but I think I would have been happy either way.

I think you might get something out of this guy's ideas. The first link is short (with a short ad beforehand), and the second is a longer presentation by the same guy.

6/12/2006 6:15 AM  

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