We've been having a pretty quiet weekend. We went to the flea market this afternoon---it was intended to be a Mama and Ellie-only outing, but the menfolk felt like coming too. No Blythes, though I did find a dealer with a lot of antique dolls who said she'd had a couple of Blythes in the past and sold them for $15 each (!!!!). Oh, how I wish I'd been there.
Tristan has decided that all of his trains need tweaks here and there. It started yesterday because he thought his "scoop car" had a "mean face". Yeah, I could see I sanded off the eyebrows and drew "happy" ones. He was delighted! He kept bringing me cars, asking for faces on the once which didn't have them, clocks on the back of all of them, and windows with conductors peeking out. I just found him in his room, scribbling on his trains with a permanent marker that he'd apparently nabbed. Sigh. Natural progression. Glad it wasn't the walls.Jon hooked up the bike trailer and took Tristan for a ride yesterday. He loved it! It was really hot, but we had a hard time getting him inside.
he's such a sweet boy. :)
you should put up a picture with his new haircut.
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