Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I'm all excited that strangers left comments on my blog. My normal blog content can't compete with cute baby pictures, though, so I won't expect it again :)

It's about time for an all-around family update, I think...

Eleanor: Well, yeah, she's cute. She's also growing way more quickly than I'd like! She's much more of a "typical" baby than Tristan was---she coos, gurgles, squeals, and chews on her hands. She prefers to be held for naps but does sleep pretty well at night. She's gotten strong enough to squirm out of her swaddling blanket at night, but we still swaddle her because she manages to grab her pacifer out of her mouth and completely wake herself up otherwise. She's a really sweet baby...when I talk to her, grins and wiggles like it's the best thing in the world. However, she is definately not a foodie. She'll only eat every 2-2.5 hours and loudly refuses if she's not ready yet. Not a fun baby to nurse in public with.

Tristan: Still a train fanatic. We got a couple of old Thomas videos that the library was about to throw out and he's been wanting to watch them constantly. In a few areas, they show the different characters one by one without saying their names, but he knows them and happily shouts them out. His Oma bought him a few small Thomas train cars and he's insisted on taking them everywhere; even if he doesn't get them out, he has to know that they're in my bag. He's started trying to "play" with Ellie. He'll bring her one of his toys and try to get her to hold it. And yesterday he told me that she's his friend! His language has really taken off again and he's can do four and five word phrases and sentences and is also starting to pick up idioms.

Jon: He bicycled a lot as a kid, biked to work some in KC, and has started up cycling again. He's been biking back and forth to work for a couple of weeks and has gone on two 30-40 mile rides over the past week. He's also just decided to apply for a Conflict Mediation graduate certificate at a local university; it looks like his job will be paying for part of it. If I didn't know him better, I'd say he was a glutton for punishment.

Me: Yeah, glasses. And dolls. And eating food I probably shouldn't. That's about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, what is this thing that Jon is doing?

8/11/2005 6:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Now that I've had a relaxing summer break, I'm ready to get back into the game. :)

8/12/2005 8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I decided not to do it. It probably wouldn't help my career all that much, and certainly not as much as getting more involved at the library. So I'm going to do that.

8/18/2005 7:58 AM  

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