Sunday, August 28, 2005

variation on a theme

Ooh, fun. Jaime tagged me for a neato 'getting to know you' thingy.

10 years ago I was: 13 and just started 8th grade. I'd just spent a few weeks of the summer at the 'Civil War in the Ozarks' AEGIS camp, camping out in the middle of a field and washing clothes in the creek with lye soap we made ourselves. I'd also gone on a wonderful trip to New Mexico, which was cut short because I broke a bracket on my braces and we figured it was an emergency. My stepmom was pregnant with a daughter who would be born at the end of September.

5 years ago I was: 18 and just starting my first year of college at Stephens, a women's college in Columbia, Missouri. I'd gotten moved into Searcy dorm and had figured out my way around campus. I really liked my classes, especially my International Politics course with the rather handsome Alan Singer. Influenced by new friend Julia Schaefermeyer, I also decided that I would go out for the Stephens soccer team, despite never having played soccer in my life.

1 year ago I was: 22 and had just found out that my effort had paid off and we were pregnant with our second child. I'd just started my last semester of college and was looking forward to getting all of that out of the way before the baby's birth. We continued our weekly playdates with my friend Jaime and her two boys, though we weren't always able to make it because of my school commitments, and I was slowly getting to know more of the other KCAP mamas.

Yesterday: I had a great mama's day out! The day started slow and lazy and, after lunch, I went out for a while with Ellie. We went to the local rather high-end toy store that rocks because they sell Brio/Thomas compatible tracks by the piece; we got a switch piece so that Tristan could hook his whole set together. Then, we walked over to the yarn store and did a bit of damage on some sale yarn for holiday gifts; eight skeins for $8. Finally, we drove over to TJMaxx and I got a new shirt and shorts with a merchandise credit my mother-in-law gave me. When we got home, Jon took a looooong bike ride and was gone for three hours. He came home, I made dinner, then got the kids to bed. Then I went out to a movie, as detailed in my last post. Whew! I swear those days are rare, but yesterday rocked.

5 snacks I enjoy: oreos, bananas, breakfast cereal, various chocolate-flavored energy bars, SlimFast (the old type, not the new nasty sucrolose stuff)

5 songs I know all the words to: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Beatles), Everybody Knows (Cohen), Until my Head Falls Off (TMBG), Only Happy When it Rains (Garbage), Jay Jay the Jetplane theme song

5 things I would do with 100 million dollars: pay a real estate agent to sell that damn house in Independence, pay off our parents' mortgages, put money aside earmarked for a home when we decide where we want to settle down, live off the interest and give Jon the option of retiring, set up a scholarship fund for low income mothers who would like to go back to college

5 places I would run away to: Bavaria, the Yucatan, Northern California, the Backwoods of Maine, just about anywhere with Jon

5 things I would never wear: a scarf knit with eyelash yarn, anything with sequins, black leather, one-shoulder shirts, stirrup pants

5 favorite tv shows: Going Tribal, Desperate Housewives, the Daily Show, Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, I love the (insert decade here)

5 bad habits: eating junk food, driving to go places under a mile away, getting easily frustrated, picking at my face, mindlessly surfing the web when I have nothing to see

5 biggest joys: Tristan, Ellie, Jon, Manhattan (who actually follows us whenever we take a walk), being in the company of friends

5 favorite toys: my computer, Penny the Blythe, my iPod, my Saturn wagon, knitting needles

5 fictional characters I would date: Jakob (Brothers Grimm), Shakespeare (Shakespeare in Love), Wesley (Princess Bride), Spock (Star Trek, original series), Chakotay (Star Trek Voyager

5 people I tag to do this: Roxanne, Julie, Sarah, my dad (if you get that blog rolling), elfinmama


Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 years ago I was: 16 and in tenth grade. Playing violin was my life
and I ran cross country and rode my bike to feel like I belonged. Around this time I stopped riding the bike in order to concentrate on running. I ran like 15 miles a day back then. Played violin four hours a day.

5 years ago I was: 21 and in college. I had switched majors from
music to history by this time. This was the real prime time of my college (academic) life. Learning Greek on my own, obscure stuff like that. I wanted to be a scholar. It was after I had gotten into the swing of things but before we got married and (happily) complicated school life with starting a family.

1 year ago I was: 25 and had two more semesters to finish out graduate school before the baby Ellie's arrival. I was still hoping to continue my (hoped) lucrative career in university research administration. I was bored with school, but saw it as the only way to relative financial security, that is, not working two jobs. I work for the family, not for the fun of it.

Yesterday: I slept in and woke up next to baby Ellie nudging me. We
went over to the in-laws for dinner and conversation and I read Tristan a couple of bed time stories. Finally after the kiddos were in bed Melanie and I split a drinkypoo and snuggled on the sofa watching CNN's hurricane coverage while taking turns running to the bedroom to put Ellie's pacifier back in.

5 snacks I enjoy: dried fruit, mentos, chipotle burritos (it's been
four months!), warm chocolate chip cookies, and any kind of potato.

5 songs I know all the words to: That's No Way to Say Goodbye, and a
bunch of violin stuff that has no words.

5 things I would do with 100 million dollars: pay off our stuff, everybody we know's stuff and travel.

5 places I would run away to: Just take an extended trip with nothing but a backpack, the kids and the wife. I'd use the money from the previous question to help folks out along the way.

5 things I would never wear: Nothing. I'll try anything once or twice; just to make sure.

5 favorite tv shows: Boston Legal, Charlie Rose, The Daily Show, although I've never seen it 30 Days, and House.

5 bad habits: not telling Melanie and our kids how much I love them, eating junk, not exercising enough, wanting things I shouldn't, and eating more junk.

5 biggest joys: Tristan, Ellie, Melanie, good conversation, and going down big hills fast (bicycle).

5 favorite toys: my bicycle, my motorcycle, my computer, my violin
(never play it though), and the stove because I secretly love to cook.

5 fictional characters I would date: Nice try, but I'm not getting into trouble here...

5 people I tag to do this: you.

8/29/2005 1:35 PM  

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