Sunday, March 19, 2006


We've been having a nice, though rainy, weekend here in Arkansas.

Jon suprised me yesterday with a trip to a day spa for a massage and steam treatment. It was wonderful! My first massage since 2002, and it was sooooo nice. And such a surprise!

We watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith last night after the kids were in bed. It was hilarious! Quite entertaining, very much recommended :). Perhaps I shouldn't enjoy seeing a dysfunctional married couple shooting at each other, but it was a really fun movie.

I started Reading Lolita in Tehran, loaned to me by a friend whose mom sent it from Karachi. Kind of a round-about way to get ahold of a book I could just go check out from the library, but it's really well-written and I'm liking it.

Eleanor pulled up to a stand all by herself for the first time this morning! She pulled up on the side of Tristan's bed. She's in such a hurry! She's also become a screamer (I'm told she takes after her mother in this) and has five teeth. Ack!

Fun distraction of the day: go to Google, type in "asshole", and hit 'I'm Feeling Lucky'. Yay for my mom, who has finally joined the 21st century by getting DSL---even you can watch this, lol.

And, finally, thanks to those who leave comments :). It helps to have a sounding board.


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