Did anyone see Desperate Housewives on Sunday?
Felicia was majorly harrassing Paul, who she knows killed her sister but who is trying to act normal, upright, and non-criminal, and trying to provoke him into attacking her, presumably so that the neighborhood would turn against him.
I've been thinking about that...and it occured to me...Felicia is so Dubya.
Seriously---could you run things so ineptly without it being intentional? Yesterday, a newborn baby was badly hurt in Afghanistan, her mother and other relatives shot---because they refused to heed written warnings not to overtake a convoy, even though it's well known that many in that area are illiterate. He and his administration have completely botched everything they've touched and we---Americans and Arabs alike---are paying the price.
So, he provokes another attack and then---gasp! Those horrible terrorists! Yes, we have killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in the Middle East, but...they are terrorists! They must hate freedom!
Then everything else he's already set up comes into full-bloom. Of course it's OK if he illegally wiretaps his own citizens without warrants---he's looking out for our best interests! And then, naturally, he needs to throw those terrorists or potential terrorists in prison camps without a trial; they are threats to society! And since all of the dissidents and free thinkers - at least the louder ones - are taken care of and he has already amended the Bill of Rights to this extent, why not throw in a little martial law for good measure? And that pesky term limits thing needs to go too, of course.
We already know that he had planned to provoke an attack from Iraq in order to justify an invasion, if the whole weapons of mass destruction sharade didn't pan out. It's no stretch at all to think he'd do that with Iran.
On the one hand, yes, this smacks of a conspiracy theory. On the other, the thing about dictatorship is that once you're there, you can't very well point that fact out. The only question is how to get out before all the shit hits the fan.