Sunday, April 10, 2005


I have been having episodes of Braxton Hicks contractions, with regular timing of between 5 and 10 minutes apart, for literally months. I haven't batted an eye. But now that I've hit 38 weeks, every time they come---even just singly---I get all excited and aflutter. I know my dates much better this time than last (I am 100% positive this child was conceived on August 1), but getting excited like this, this early, is seriously not good for my emotional health.

Be patient. Slow down.

I'm in a 'due date club' over at MDC for April mamas. Everytime someone has a baby, everyone gets soooo excited for them, but it increases the other mamas' anxiousness for her baby to pop out too. It really reminds me of Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale' vicariously, yet wishing you were the one telling the news...

I did laundry this afternoon and am currently drying the diaper intended to be the baby's first: a newborn hemp Sugar Plum Baby fitted with a hand-dyed outer in purples and blues. Very pretty. It's the only *new* diaper this baby has, other than the ones I have sewn. It looks like it's going to fluff up really beautifully.

But back to obsessiveness over contractions: check out this neato webpage. Fun stuff.


Blogger Sarah said...

Sending labor vibes your way! You could try eating eggplant or pineapple. I've heard those are supposed to help induce labor and I ate tons of both toward the end of my pregnancy. Emma did end up being five days late but maybe it'll work better for you!

4/10/2005 3:46 PM  

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