Thursday, April 07, 2005

a new season

Jon got the job!

Wow, I didn't really let myself think it could happen. He found out yesterday, so it was a pretty quick decision on their part. I was giddy! The kids will actually have family around; dh and I will have babysitters readily available. Mercury poisoning won't be a problem, and all of us will be able to breathe easier in the less-smoggy air.

There are draw backs, too. I went to a mamas' night out/Stitch N Bitch last night with moms from our AP group. It was great! It was only the second SNB we've had and it's such a different atmosphere than at events with the kids. It's like we're relating to each other as people, not just as representatives of our kids. That's a bit extreme of an explanation, but the connection is totally different than in a playgroup situation. I'm really going to miss that.

And then there's Jaime. I don't think I realized how hard it's going to be to leave her until I read a really sweet blog entry she wrote about it all. It took me three years here to find a friend at all, and she's become a really good one. Her kids are the only ones that Tristan has ever had an attachment to; he loves our Friday playdates. It's going to be so difficult to find and build that again. And I feel like we've only become really close within the past couple of months; I wish that I had put more effort into our friendship more to begin with. Sometimes it seems possible to become even better friends long-distance, if you keep up correspondence well, and I hope that we can do that.

I'm also pretty anxious about living near my parents. I didn't realize until I became an adult that what they think about me still has a huge impact on my self-esteem. I hope that they have a pretty accurate idea of me as a person and that I don't disappoint them by being a worse mother/wife/person than they think I am now.

So, this post sounds more of a downer than it should. I really am excited about moving! I have really missed my family. It's just sad to see this part of my life come to a close.


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