Tuesday, April 12, 2005

what's in a name?

I actually stayed up until nearly midnight last night, worrying about this baby's name. That's pretty silly; anything I decide upon now will probably be tossed out. I didn't realize until yesterday how thoroughly Jon dislikes the name Ava; disappointing, because Ava Lenore was my first choice. He associates it too much with Eva Braun...guess that's what happens when you're a European history major. He's letting me decide on the name, but I don't want him to cringe inwardly every time he hears it.

He did say that he likes Cora pretty well. That was my favorite earlier in the pregnancy, so maybe it'll see a revival. We both like Iris, but I'm concerned that it doesn't 'go with' Tristan very well. "Tristan and Iris". Hmmm.

We like Anya, but I think my grandma's right---it does sound a bit too foreign (especially since we're moving to AR, lol). Margot is nice, but sounds like it would be a better middle name. Lydia is pretty good. I like Lily, but it's too popular now. Sounds too 'lightweight', also. Claudia is really pretty, but kind of a mouth-full with our surname. I thought about Audrey and Audra, but the first is a bit trendy and my dad made a good point about the latter sounding fairly weak, because of all of the soft vowels. I like Lenore and Eleanor quite a lot, but, like Margot, they seem to sound better as middle names.

Tristan wasn't named until the day after his birth. I was hoping for better with this one, but I guess we'll just have to see...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mama! I like Lydia! How about Lilah? Too lightweight as well? I think its sooo pretty, too. : ) ooo - you could go with Lola. Too Madonna? : )

4/12/2005 1:19 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I vote for Margot or Lenore. Margot is very cute and Lenore is very classy sounding, I think.

4/12/2005 1:30 PM  

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