Saturday, October 22, 2005


I am a very scent-oriented person. A few years ago, I was in some institutional building and suddenly smelled a strong chemically smell that made me feel very happy and relaxed. It took a few minutes to realize that was the same cleaner used at my preschool. Today, the kiddos and I went out and I used a soap in a public bathroom that was the same soap used at the Pizza Hut I worked at in high school. Totally brought back the smell of pizza oil on my black half-apron, the taste of stale Pepsi drunk out of small plastic kiddie cups, and the way we'd sneak the last few pieces of pizza left on the buffet after a long evening. Sigh. Crazy to be sentimental over a fast food job.

Jon was off yesterday, but is working today and tomorrow. Last night, Ellie and I went out and finally got extra keys made---Jon lost his a few months ago. It was so cool! Last time I had keys made, they were doing them by hand with a grinding wheel; now, they have a machine. They stick the original key in one hole and the blank in another, and the machine does everything. Smoothest new keys I've ever used.

My mom is out of town this week and happens to be visiting a city where there's an IKEA. I'm hopelessly obsessed with IKEA right now; the closest one is about eight hours away. Grrr. Anywho, she called earlier today and said they were planning on going there and asked if I'd like her to look for anything. Woo-hoo! We'll see if anything comes of that.


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