We closed on the house on Monday. Yay! I almost thought something horrible would come up at the last minute and prevent it, but everything went through just fine. Only a few more days before we move in.
My little sis has the cold that all of us have had. She had a sleepover last night, but ended up feeling too sick and the other mom called around 11. I woke up and got the phone, so I went to meet the mom and bring her home. It was no big deal, but my stepmom thinks it is, which is kind of nice. I had a little bit of a hard time getting back to sleep because my left ovary thought last night would be a good time to ovulate. Yay. Nothing like pregnancy and childbirth to make you aware of your body in ways you never imagined.
Tristan has started talking in his sleep periodically. Last night, he said, "Please, I like a train." It was really cute. Today, he's been running around playing choo choo and he periodically says, "Dammit." He was playing with his Thomas trains the other day and had Gordon say it to James. Uh oh. I don't think anyone other than Jon or I has understood it so far...can't imagine where he heard that...
And if my mother-in-law is reading, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Go get some ice cream or something similarly yummy :)