Wednesday, November 23, 2005


We closed on the house on Monday. Yay! I almost thought something horrible would come up at the last minute and prevent it, but everything went through just fine. Only a few more days before we move in.

My little sis has the cold that all of us have had. She had a sleepover last night, but ended up feeling too sick and the other mom called around 11. I woke up and got the phone, so I went to meet the mom and bring her home. It was no big deal, but my stepmom thinks it is, which is kind of nice. I had a little bit of a hard time getting back to sleep because my left ovary thought last night would be a good time to ovulate. Yay. Nothing like pregnancy and childbirth to make you aware of your body in ways you never imagined.

Tristan has started talking in his sleep periodically. Last night, he said, "Please, I like a train." It was really cute. Today, he's been running around playing choo choo and he periodically says, "Dammit." He was playing with his Thomas trains the other day and had Gordon say it to James. Uh oh. I don't think anyone other than Jon or I has understood it so far...can't imagine where he heard that...

And if my mother-in-law is reading, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Go get some ice cream or something similarly yummy :)

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Yay, weekend! Jon's working today and I'm at home with two sick kiddos. This is the second time they've been sick since we've been staying with the folks and the third this year. Way more than usual. Poor guys.

Tristan asked me the *big* question a few days ago...he said, "Mama, where's Grace's other dog?" Heidi died several months back and I had no idea he even remembered her. I did my best to answer that, trying not to panic (lol). I even accidentally let it slip that people die, without his asking. He didn't seem to catch that though...whew. Too bad toddlers can't understand "I don't know." He finally ended with, "I miss Heidi," and let it go. Hasn't brought it up since...guess I have some extra time to refine my answers a bit.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


We decided to seek out social interaction today, so we wound up at the library's preschool storytime. Tristan was super shy for the firt 15 minutes---he sat in my lap and hid his head the entire time Paddington Bear was there---but he did warm up after that. I ran into a mom I met at LLL and we really had a good conversation...turns out she lives about six blocks from the house we're buying! She has a two year old and just found out she's pregnant with her second; both of hers will be 2.5 yrs apart, just like Tristan and Ellie. And, even better, her son's a Thomas fan. That's kind of exciting.

I always think of clever stuff to blog about, but forget what it was when I actually sit down to type...

Tristan's been having a hard time sleeping lately. His mattress is already on the floor here, but most nights he ends up off of it. Last night, I woke up and he was under the bed. Kind of worrisome for me, since this house is in the woods and spiders are by no means rare...I've never seen a poisonous one here, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were one. I think he'll be up on the bed with me tonight.

Closing next Monday, moving in the following weekend :)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

lazy, wet weekend

It's finally cooling off some...last week, it was horribly hot. It got up into the upper 80s! In November! And I hadn't packed any warm weather clothes for the kiddos. That was a headache.

Tristan's language just keeps growing. He told me the other day, "I closed the door so Abby [the dog] can't get in"---and those were his exact words! His speech isn't easily understandable by everyone, but it's improved so very much.

I'm kind of stressing out right now because he has a brown spot on one of his teeth. I'm going to call his ped tomorrow to get a recommendation for a pediatric dentist. I'm really afraid he's not going to do well...

Jon got a second job! He's going to be an online reference librarian for So, that's pretty cool. It sounds like they usually have a backlog of requests, so he'll just be able to log on whenever he wants and work. Neat gig :)

Ellie has decided she likes food. Her favorite of what she's tried so far seems to be rice. She really grabs for it! It's so different from how Tristan was, but really cute. She doesn't seem nearly as attached to nursing as he was. I wonder if she'll wean earlier...*sigh*

Oh! And to the mamas with Xanga blogs that I normally read---my Xanga account has gone wacked and I can't log in, despite my best efforts. Don't take my lack of comments as an affront :)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Sorry about the hiatus; I'd forgotten my password :)

We're just here hanging out at my Dad's. If you'd told me ten years ago that I'd be sharing this room with a husband and two kiddos, I'd have never believed you.

Not much to blog about. Jon applied for a job, found out it would bite, then didn't get the job anyhow. I've decided to apply for entrance into a Master's of Public Health program. GRE books are on the way and I'm going to cram for a week or two, then take it.

Got a great Freecycle score today---brand new sunshine yellow curtains with tiebacks for Tristan's room. Receipt still with them said that they'd cost $60 originally. Woot. We've also ended up with an alphabet rug that was being tossed at my stepmom's school; she grabbed it and offered it to us. The boy's going to have a really stylin' primary-colored bedroom.

I'm kind of enjoying being here; it's almost like a vacation of sorts. Closing is tentatively scheduled for Nov 23.