Friday, April 22, 2005

a rash of storms...

...and all I got was crummy PRELABOR? Aaaaargh!!!


Blogger Indiamommy said...

Hi Melanie,

I have been reading your blog for a while (think I found it through searching attachment parenting).

Hang in there. You're almost there. I am a doula and it certainly sounds like you are almost there, but then you never know. If you can walk (I know you are having pain from the pubic symphosis) perhaps you and your dh can walk around your neighborhood to induce your labor.

And if you really want to induce, you can go to a Chinese massage therapist or chiropractor and either can work on certain "shu points" to induce labor.

Early in pregnancy this is not advised as it will bring about abortion, but at this time, once you are sure you are overdue, the chinese massage practitioner will likely be able to work on your ankles to induce labor.

I guess the tug of the full moon didn't work either? Your little one just isn't ready yet apparently.

Also, I would probably try wearing a pregnancy belt if it was me, you know the one that hugs your hips? It will help keep the pubic tubercles closer together. The public tubercles are probably what is bothering you. They spread with the weight of the fetus, especially once the baby is engaged. The pubic symphosis is a ligament that holds the pubic tubercles together (right above the birth canal) and this loosens up just like all the other ligaments do in pregnancy. The pain is caused by the tubercles rubbing together, which is bone. That is why I would wear a pregnancy belt. It holds everything in place a little bit more.

I am also a massage therapist too. Do you have a doula?

Good luck and may you go into labor soon!

4/25/2005 6:32 AM  
Blogger Indiamommy said...


The pain of pubic symphosis is not caused by the tubercles rubbing together (!!). It is caused by the ligament loosing up. Opps!

: )

4/25/2005 6:35 AM  

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