and the long wait begins
I finally finished my application to the College of Public Health and took it over this morning. Whew! My application is mostly complete...though they'd misplaced my GRE scores (now found) and an old prof hasn't done my recommendation yet. Sent an email his way and hopefully it'll be taken care of soon. The bad news is that I probably won't know until late May...! They have professors from each of the six departments review each application, score it, then tally the scores. I really don't know if I'll get in. Hopefully. Not in my hands now anyhow.
In other news, my little boy is growing up...he and his Papa just left last night to go visit Grandma and Aunt Anne, along with cousins. Ellie does really badly on long car drives, which is the only reason we stayed back. It's only the second time I've been away from him overnight (the first was for Ellie's birth). Sounds like he's handling it better than I am, though; he didn't even look up to wave as they drove away.
I know they have to become independent, but why does it have to start so darn early?
Oh! And Jon and I got away for a date last weekend; we saw V for Vendetta. If you haven't seen it, see it. Seriously. Seriously. You can read a well written review here.