Friday, April 29, 2005

there was a little girl who had a little curl...

But, of course, with this little one, the second part of the rhyme is completely innacurate. We're starting to figure each other out; last night, she slept from about 11pm until 8am, only waking twice to be changed and nurse. God is truly merciful.

The other big news of the day is that we've successfully caught our first pee! We practiced Elimination Communication with Tristan and knew that we would with Ellie, to eventually avoid nasty toddler poo dipes, if for no other reason. We've been having her undiapered and making the "sss" cueing sound from time to time since birth. After a nap this afternoon, I held her over a prefold and cued and she peed right away! Wow. Hope it wasn't a fluke.

By the way, if this blog seems to have suddenly become image-heavy, that's because it has started being frequented by adoring grandparents (who are, like all visitors here, very much welcome and encouraged to leave comments!).

Little curl girl:

And an eager Papa-in-Training (after 'breastfeeding' his baby on my nursing pillow):

Thursday, April 28, 2005


The first photo of each pair is Tristan as a newborn, and the second is Ellie. In the second pair, Tristan is about a week older than Ellie, but I still think the similarities are remarkable.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

one day old!

Ellie is doing really well. She's gotten breastfeeding down pat and we've already figured out how to nurse lying down, so I'm not a completely exhausted mama. My milk is coming in and at the ped appt today, we found she'd gained 3 oz over her birth weight. Her days and nights are mixed up; she nurses all night and sleeps all day...but once we get that sorted out, things will truly be ideal!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Ellie is here!

Eleanor Iris was born on Tuesday, April 26, at 3:47 am. She is a healthy, happy baby and both she and I are doing amazingly. Here is her rather verbose birth story :)

On Monday morning, I went to my regular midwife appointment. I was just past my estimated due date and discouraged about having rather strong prelabor for more than a week. When I found out that my cervix was only a fingertip dialated and still thick, I began thinking more seriously about natural induction, though I wasn't ready to discuss Pitocin. I went home thinking that I would try to hurry things along more if she didn't come soon.

That afternoon, I nursed Tristan down to nap as usual after taking my normal daily dose of evening primrose oil. Contractions started, stronger than usual and with a focal point lower on my belly. They continued all afternoon, growing slightly stronger, and I began thinking that this was really it, though early enough that I was not at all ready to think about the hospital yet. We dropped Tristan off at his grandma's to play and possibly stay the night. Around dinner time, I called Sheila, the midwife on call who also happened to be the midwife who helped catch Tristan, and told her that we might be having a baby tonight. She said that I should call her when I was ready to go to the hospital.

Contractions continued, progressing slightly. After a pregnancy craving-inspired dinner at Wendy's (baked potato and chocolate frosty), we decided to go back to grandma's. I was thinking that things were sufficiently slow that we would want to take Tristan home, but Jon thought otherwise. We went over and I laid down with Tristan until he fell asleep, then went into another bedroom to labor with Jon's help. The contractions were more painful, including some back labor, but they began spreading out. Jon was able to nap a bit and, a little before midnight, I got a bit of a nap too. Rather painful contractions woke me up about a half hour later and I shortly decided that I wanted to go to the hospital. I did not think birth was imminent, but, being GBS+, I knew they wanted me there in time for antibiotics.

We called Sheila, who called the hospital to let them know I was coming and tell them to call her once we arrived. En route, we called Jaime and Sarah to come as well. We arrived around 1:45 am and they did some routine external fetal monitoring and ran in the antibiotics. Jaime arrived during the IV and was there in time to hear Kathy, our labor and delivery nurse, proclaim that I was 100% effaced, but only 1-2 cm. I was so disappointed and kicking myself for going in so early. The contractions were also becoming harder and I wondered how I could get to birth if they were this painful this early. Kathy decided to wait to call Sheila until I got further along.

I was having a hard time staying in bed with the contractions; Ellie was so active that she was really contributing to the pain of them and I was feeling them in my tailbone. I took off the monitor (Kathy wasn't too thrilled when she found this) and sent Jon to ask about filling up the bathtub. I got in as soon as the water was run and focused upon relaxing through the contractions. Very soon, I found that they were becoming a lot stronger and, with each one, I braced myself by pulling up on a bar at the side of the tub, taking the weight off of my pelvis. I was having a hard time dealing with the pain at this point and kept thinking, "if I can just get to 5cm, I will ask for Nubain". Contractions started coming closer together and I began having the urge to poop; I was so constipated-feeling at this point, that I really didn't care if I went in the tub and I very, very carefully tried to relax my bottom with each contraction. Of course, this wasn't constipation; it was the baby moving lower. The pain started getting really intense and I started yelling with the peaks of the contractions. Jon and Jaime were both very supportive, telling me how well I was doing, holding my hand, and giving me water to drink. At this point, I had only been in the water for twenty or thirty minutes.

I felt that I couldn't handle the pain any more and quietly asked for Sheila to come. Jon ran out to tell the nurses and Kathy came in to check my cervix. She ran out quickly, saying behind her that I was 7cm dialated. Almost immediately after she left to call Sheila, my body began pushing, though not too strongly yet. Kathy came in and told me that I needed to get out of the water; she knew birth was coming and said that she did not have enough experience delivering babies to do a waterbirth. Reluctantly, I got out of the tub and slowly went into the main suite, to the bed (along the way, questioning another nurse who told me I couldn't deliver standing up, as I was bracing in the bathroom door frame). I made it to the bed and braced against it with another contraction, and my water broke with a splash. I got up on the bed, on all fours, and pushed. Kathy told me something about not being able to catch the baby in that position and got me to lie on my side. I pushed again and felt my pelvis coming apart. She told me to push gently to avoid tearing and I somehow managed to. I felt her head pop out; there was a pause, then the rest of her followed. We had only been at the hospital about two hours.

I cried, a mixture of love and relief that the birth had gone so quickly. She only fussed a bit and latched on to breastfeed like a champion. Shortly after the birth, Sheila came in, then Sarah. They'd both missed it.

She weighed in at 7 lbs, 11 oz and measured 20.5" long. We were fortunate to be able to leave around noon, when she was just eight hours old. She and I are both recovering very well. I did not tear at all and am all around surprised how much easier this birth was than Tristan's, and how much more mellow Ellie seems.

'nuff said!

Birth story and more photos to follow tonight or tomorrow :)

Monday, April 25, 2005

little update

About 2-2.5 min apart, just under a minute long. Becoming painful at the peaks. We dropped Tristan off with MIL a bit ago...going for a walk, then plan on calling the midwife to check in.

40 weeks, 1 day

We had a midwife appointment this morning. Not much dialated or effaced, but I'm very soft. After we came home, I popped a few EPO capsules and nursed the boy...and of course got some contractions going. More uncomfortable than any so far. They've been going for a couple of hours, without letting up, though they're much more bearable if I'm not laying down. The focus of them is much lower than with most of my Braxton Hicks.

Interval from Last

40 seconds

2 minutes 5 seconds
68 seconds

2 minutes 5 seconds
70 seconds

2 minutes 51 seconds
75 seconds

Hey...they're getting longer! I did try to check my cervix, but she's somehow even lower than this morning and I can't quite get to it.

If you don't read another entry, it means that things fizzled out and I'm too discouraged to blog, lol.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

yes, that is a belly.

it's my due date and I'll cry if I want to.

I really didn't think I'd go postdates this time :(

We did get a chance to go to the going away party that the AP mama group threw for me and Jaime. It was a lot of fun and I think that Jon enjoyed seeing the moms I've been talking about for a year and a half. Tristan loved running around with the kids...he did end up with some sand in his eyes from kids getting a little too wild in the sandbox, but we got most of it out and he doesn't seem bothered at the moment.

I have been really desperate for birth since last Thursday, when I started having really, really severe pain from the front of my pelvis seperating. The pain is a bit better now, but was so bad on Friday morning that I couldn't move without crying. Jon actually stayed home to take care of me (it was supposed to be his last day of work). We tried to get the midwife on call early Friday and ended up with the (rather suprisingly crunchy) doctor who oversees them instead. He was really sympathetic and gave me some ideas like taking Tylenol, using heat, and using a cane to get around. He said that I should call the midwives after they got into the office and that they might be able to "help get things started". Now, I'm not one for inductions, but I was so relieved after he said that. Of course, when I called them, I was handed off to the one who'd be on call this weekend, and she wasn't receptive at all. She was downright cold. "Of course, that's just relaxin, everyone gets that, blah blah blah." She was incredibly patronizing and didn't take my pain and concern seriously at all. I'm kind of glad I didn't go into labor this weekend; I really don't want her at the birth.

I was pretty desperate, though, and actually took some castor oil. It was so disgusting that I only managed about an tablespoon, which didn't do any good. Anywho, another appointment tomorrow morning.

I think that Jon and I might try to go out for a dinner by ourselves tonight. MIL is back in town and has said she's happy to watch Tristan.

Friday, April 22, 2005

just keeping track..., I don't think this is *it*...but I do want to keep track :)

Interval from Last

47 seconds

2 minutes 21 seconds
57 seconds

2 minutes 19 seconds
83 seconds

3 minutes 34 seconds
53 seconds

2 minutes 13 seconds
39 seconds

a rash of storms...

...and all I got was crummy PRELABOR? Aaaaargh!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

39 weeks, 4 days

Lots of prelabor today. Yippee! Lower backache, cramps, of constipation. Plus, we are finally getting those promised storms!

In a fit of pregnancy-induced illogic, I decided that tonight was the night I needed to get us a new set of sheets to replace the one we have that's so worn it's gotten holey. I checked the weather before we left; though there was a tornado watch, it didn't show anything near us. Well, as soon as we got to the store, the sirens started going off! Argh. Of course a tornado had been sighted about five miles away. We were only about five minutes from home, so hightailed it back here and got home right before everything hit. No tornadoes in our immediate area, though.

I'm crossing my fingers for tonight so hard that it hurts!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

he loves me!

Tristan told me that he loves me for the first time! How incredibly sweet is that? We always sleep in the same room: he's either on his twin on the floor and I'm on the 'big bed', or vice versa. In the mornings when he wakes up, he climbs into bed with me and we cuddle and talk for a while before getting up. This morning, we were talking about his "choo choo dream." Then he stopped, hugged me, and said "love Mama." AWWW!

So, that made this preggo's day much brighter. It's just the waiting game now; I lost more mucous yesterday, but nothing is going on unusual contraction-wise. The weatherman lied about storms yesterday, but it's pretty dreary today. Fine with me---I like these days whether or not they bode well for birthing.

I have been having pretty drastic mood swings. Poor Jon has been doing his best to keep me in a good mood, which is a lot easier when he's around. I need to work on that inner peace stuff.

Monday, April 18, 2005

waiting for the miracle

Not much to report. We saw the midwives today and all's well with the little one. She's fully engaged at this point...

I am a bit excited because (after being in a dreadful, "hurry up" mood all day), I checked my cervix. Twice as dialated as yesterday! That's the most significant change all pregnancy, no doubt. Maybe 2-3 cm now? Dunno for sure, I declined a pelvic at the mws until next week and I'm not very good at estimating.

Storms predicted tomorrow!

Oh, and if you know the reference in this post's title (and you're not my dad, lol), you're on my coolest people list. Wait, I guess Dad can be on there too :)

Sunday, April 17, 2005

39 weeks

Nothing going on, labor-wise. Maybe tonight? Tomorrow? Next week?

I think we have decided on a name. It's one I've liked for a long time and Jon is really enthusiastic about it. It's a secret for now, though.

I wanted to share a photo of a future attachment parenting papa...

Anyone else looking forward to Desperate Housewives tonight? It's the one television show I enjoy...I almost wish the babe would wait until they get done airing all the new episodes. Almost ;)


I came to peace with the whole moving thing last night. I've been really worried about moving with a newborn, particularly it disrupting our breastfeeding relationship, etc. We're planning on moving about two weeks after my due date, so I've been stressing about her coming after that. You know, it will work out, though. We'll find a way to make it work.

About fifteen minutes after deciding that, I started losing my mucous plug while watching Saturday Night Live. Woo hoo! I never lost it with Tristan until transition. To quote the venerable Dr. Sears, "Generally, after passing the mucous plug, most women will be in labor within the next three days." Now, granted, I'm fairly sure it wasn't the entire plug, but maybe the rest will pass today.

I had a really weird dream last night/this morning. I had meconium-streaked mucous (not a thing to worry about IRL, of course) and couldn't get ahold of the midwife on call. Our phone wasn't working. Just an anxiety dream, but interesting because I usually don't remember my preggo dreams. In any case, a contraction woke me up from that one. Back to bed in a few, hopefully...

Saturday, April 16, 2005


So, today has been my first day of prodromal labor. Argh. A contraction woke me up at 8 this morning and I've been having them throughout the day, some stronger, some weaker, and definately continuing, but without any progression. I'm hoping this means 'real' labor will be in the next couple of days...?

To make myself feel better, here are some of the physical effects of prodromal labor:

  • The cervix is moving from a posterior (back) position to an anterior (forward) position.

  • The cervix is softening.

  • The cervix is beginning its effacement or thinning. It may thin anywhere from 0% to 50% during this stage.

  • You may lose your mucous plug from the cervix.

  • Your cervix may begin to dilate, opening anywhere from 1 to 4 centimeters.

I hope my cervix has read that article, lol.

Thursday, April 14, 2005


I do believe that fresh pineapple is my favorite labor induction method, whether or not it actually works :)

38 weeks, 4 days

Still here, not in labor yet. A couple of the moms in the AP group went into labor on Tuesday...I was soooo wanting to join them! I'm still having periodic contractions (another strong enough to wake me yesterday morning), but nothing that keeps going. It seems like just about anything gets them started, though, which I don't remember from my last pregnancy.

We have to run to the grocery store today (out of yogurt, oh no!) and I'm going to pick up some pineapple and eggplant (thanks for the tip, Sarah). I did a cervical self-check today; I'm definately more effaced and less posterior than I was a week ago. Jaime is out of town until Sunday, though, so I'm doing my best to be patient until next week.

And the exciting news of the week...did you know that Burlington Coat Factory has drastically increased their maternity section? It used to be one's huge now! They even have a good selection of nursing bras and pajamas. I got a nursing bra (34DDD---a size you usually have to special order online) for $10 and a pair of pjs for $15. That's less than half of what they would probably cost at Motherhood Maternity.

Oh, and no closer on the name. Thanks for those who commented, though! Jon has decided that he really likes Eleanor...I do too, but her likely nickname would probably be Ellie. With our last name, it bears a lot of resemblance sound-wise to Elie Wiesel, the Holocaust survivor who wrote Night. Pretty sad that WWII is ruining all these names for us.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

what's in a name?

I actually stayed up until nearly midnight last night, worrying about this baby's name. That's pretty silly; anything I decide upon now will probably be tossed out. I didn't realize until yesterday how thoroughly Jon dislikes the name Ava; disappointing, because Ava Lenore was my first choice. He associates it too much with Eva Braun...guess that's what happens when you're a European history major. He's letting me decide on the name, but I don't want him to cringe inwardly every time he hears it.

He did say that he likes Cora pretty well. That was my favorite earlier in the pregnancy, so maybe it'll see a revival. We both like Iris, but I'm concerned that it doesn't 'go with' Tristan very well. "Tristan and Iris". Hmmm.

We like Anya, but I think my grandma's right---it does sound a bit too foreign (especially since we're moving to AR, lol). Margot is nice, but sounds like it would be a better middle name. Lydia is pretty good. I like Lily, but it's too popular now. Sounds too 'lightweight', also. Claudia is really pretty, but kind of a mouth-full with our surname. I thought about Audrey and Audra, but the first is a bit trendy and my dad made a good point about the latter sounding fairly weak, because of all of the soft vowels. I like Lenore and Eleanor quite a lot, but, like Margot, they seem to sound better as middle names.

Tristan wasn't named until the day after his birth. I was hoping for better with this one, but I guess we'll just have to see...

Monday, April 11, 2005

38 weeks, 1 day

Getting closer. A contraction actually woke me up around 6am this morning. I was crampy for a while before getting back to sleep, but I've only had mild, normal contractions since then. I was excited for a while, though.

We had our weekly midwife appointment today. She felt my belly and, surprised, said, "You are having a baby soon!" She said that the girl is in the perfect position and engaged. I haven't gained any weight in the past week, either, so she guesstimated that it would only be about another week until we get to meet her. I can do another week.

Sunday, April 10, 2005


I have nearly exhausted my stash of candy from the post-Easter sales. The Peeps were the first to go; now only one lonely Cadbury Creme Egg remains. Oh, the humanity.

In other baby bed I lusted after for a while was the Amby Baby Hammock. I am so very glad that I did not persue it beyond the dreaming stage. It looks like there are some major issues with safety, and that the company is not taking mothers' concerns seriously. Check out this MDC thread---an infant was injured by metal shavings falling into his eyes. It looks like this is not an isolated incident, but the company is not recalling the beds or informing consumers. They're just continuing to sell beds. Makes me so sick.


I have been having episodes of Braxton Hicks contractions, with regular timing of between 5 and 10 minutes apart, for literally months. I haven't batted an eye. But now that I've hit 38 weeks, every time they come---even just singly---I get all excited and aflutter. I know my dates much better this time than last (I am 100% positive this child was conceived on August 1), but getting excited like this, this early, is seriously not good for my emotional health.

Be patient. Slow down.

I'm in a 'due date club' over at MDC for April mamas. Everytime someone has a baby, everyone gets soooo excited for them, but it increases the other mamas' anxiousness for her baby to pop out too. It really reminds me of Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale' vicariously, yet wishing you were the one telling the news...

I did laundry this afternoon and am currently drying the diaper intended to be the baby's first: a newborn hemp Sugar Plum Baby fitted with a hand-dyed outer in purples and blues. Very pretty. It's the only *new* diaper this baby has, other than the ones I have sewn. It looks like it's going to fluff up really beautifully.

But back to obsessiveness over contractions: check out this neato webpage. Fun stuff.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

misc productivity

It's been a pretty lazy Saturday. Tristan has decided, out of the blue, that he loves cow's milk. Loves it. He's been asking for it all day long. He's had it before, but mostly when he's seen me drinking, he asked for it completely unprompted. He's probably drunk six kid-sized glasses of it...and he would drink more if I let him. I hope it doesn't mess up his system. He's used to a lot of dairy through yogurt, though, so hopefully that won't be an issue.

I finished up another diaper soaker. This is the one that I broke my Denise circs on and it sat with only a completed waistband until I resurrected it at Wednesday's SnB. It's the Little Turtle Knits ribbed soaker pattern in Lorna's Laces Bullfrogs and Butterflies. I got the yarn from eBay and I love the colors...but it is such a hassle to knit with since it's single ply. Oh well. Hopefully it won't pill too easily.

And this is a project from earlier this week. I didn't lay Tristan down much as an infant (not that he would have let me...), but I have really been wanting a 'safe spot' where I can lay this baby down if I need to. I eyed Moses baskets, but they're pretty spendy...$60 on the low end. So, then, it occured to me...we have a fabulous hand-me-down wooden wagon that doesn't see much use since we live in an apartment. So, some foam and fabric later...tah dah!

I think it will work pretty decently. The wagon's sides come off individually, so I've sewn the bumper pad so that one side can come off if needed, without removing the entire pad. The 'mattress' is a rather firm piece of 2" foam that I had custom cut at the fabric shop. And the bumper pad is some beautiful quilted batik that I splurged on (well, with the help of my 50% off coupon). Yay for industriousness.

Friday, April 08, 2005

gearing up?

One strangely different and intense contraction last night at 9:50, menstrual-like cramps a lot of this afternoon. Oh, please please please please.

I am so not that lucky, though :(

Thursday, April 07, 2005

more gbs

I started garlic last night...ran by the health food store to get some organic garlic on the way to the SNB. I seriously don't need to be worrying about this so much, especially since I am going to be getting the antibiotics anyhow. Even without them, my baby only has a 0.5% chance of contracting GBS.

Anywho, after reading this article from and the linked article on Midwifery Today about garlic, I'm doing a garlic clove vaginally at night, five nights on, five nights off until the birth. The midwife said that I have a 'heavy colonization', so hopefully this will at least get that down a bit, if not take care of it all together. I didn't have the issues with garlic breath mentioned in the article, but I did notice a faint general garlic-ness about myself this morning.

I called to see if I could do another culture on Monday, which would be directly after five nights of treatment. The midwife wasn't very positive; she said that there had been a lot of requests for that lately, and that the doctor in charge had been getting sick of it. I also asked about the blood test to check for C-reactive protein in the baby, and she wasn't positive about that either...she seemed concerned that it would give me a 'green light' to refuse the antibiotics. Such hassle. The midwives seem really overworked. The idea of late onset GBS infection in a newborn worries me; I'm going to persue the cord blood testing at my visit on Monday.

a new season

Jon got the job!

Wow, I didn't really let myself think it could happen. He found out yesterday, so it was a pretty quick decision on their part. I was giddy! The kids will actually have family around; dh and I will have babysitters readily available. Mercury poisoning won't be a problem, and all of us will be able to breathe easier in the less-smoggy air.

There are draw backs, too. I went to a mamas' night out/Stitch N Bitch last night with moms from our AP group. It was great! It was only the second SNB we've had and it's such a different atmosphere than at events with the kids. It's like we're relating to each other as people, not just as representatives of our kids. That's a bit extreme of an explanation, but the connection is totally different than in a playgroup situation. I'm really going to miss that.

And then there's Jaime. I don't think I realized how hard it's going to be to leave her until I read a really sweet blog entry she wrote about it all. It took me three years here to find a friend at all, and she's become a really good one. Her kids are the only ones that Tristan has ever had an attachment to; he loves our Friday playdates. It's going to be so difficult to find and build that again. And I feel like we've only become really close within the past couple of months; I wish that I had put more effort into our friendship more to begin with. Sometimes it seems possible to become even better friends long-distance, if you keep up correspondence well, and I hope that we can do that.

I'm also pretty anxious about living near my parents. I didn't realize until I became an adult that what they think about me still has a huge impact on my self-esteem. I hope that they have a pretty accurate idea of me as a person and that I don't disappoint them by being a worse mother/wife/person than they think I am now.

So, this post sounds more of a downer than it should. I really am excited about moving! I have really missed my family. It's just sad to see this part of my life come to a close.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

mama's new toy!

My new digital camera arrived today! After a lot of thought for several months, we decided to take the plunge and ordered the Kodak DX7440. This is to replace our rather outdated 2.oMP Canon Powershot A40. The Canon did well for us while ds was stationary, but now that we have a toddler on our hands, it isn't all that amazing. It does very poorly in indoor lighting conditions and the loooong pause between pushing the shutter button and the actual photo is the reason that we have very few decent photos of Tristan from the past year.

I'm just learning my way around the DX7440, but so far, I am very impressed! The preset settings are exactly what I was wanting. It also has a 'burst' mode which I haven't experimented with yet.

Here's one of the first five photos I took with it---and one of the best photos of Tristan smiling in a long time! Yay for quick cameras!

Monday, April 04, 2005

leavin' on a jet plane

We just dropped Jon off to catch a plane to his big interview. The interview will be tomorrow and we're really hoping to learn the outcome very quickly. We're scheduled to move on the 16th...if Jon gets the job, it would be much better to extend our lease for another month (which the apt folks have no problem with us doing), rather than to move twice in one month. Of course, if he gets the job, things will be hectic anyhow, moving to another state with a newborn. Eek!

Tristan was really sweet when we dropped Jon off. He really wanted to go with him! He cried all the way home, saying "Tristan come Papa" and "Tristan ticket". He finally dropped off to sleep right before getting here.

Another midwife appointment today. I wanted to know what all would be invovled since I'm addition to the IV (which I knew), they'd like me to get to the hospital at least 2 hrs prior to birth and we won't be able to be discharged as quickly as we were wanting to be. We stayed 12 hours after Tristan's birth, and I thought that was about right; since I'm GBS+, they want me to stay about 24 hrs. Sigh. They're not going to give me any hassle about rooming in, etc, though. I'm just concerned about how Tristan will do during that time; he's never been away from me for more than a few hours.

Friday, April 01, 2005


I've already come to peace with the group beta strep thing. It's just a hassle. Not much to do about it, though. The antibiotics have their negatives, but the gbs has greater ones.

We had a good playdate at Jaime's today. It is finally warm enough to really play outside and Tristan had a wonderful time. That boy likes dirt! He is a lot more timid/careful than the other kids; that's not something I notice about him when I have him alone.